EFTi Approved
For a transformative experience, begin your personal and/or professional journey with this two (2) day comprehensive live training. Whether you choose to learn these phenomenal techniques purely for self-clearing and personal growth, or you'd like to become an EFT Practitioner, this course will serve you well. You will walk away with a profoundly effective tool that will help you help yourself and those you choose to share it with for a lifetime.
A solid understanding and foundation in EFT basics
The ability to use EFT for many of your own issues
The ability to use EFT with family and friends in a non professional capacity
A few specifics we will cover:
EFT's origins and background
The EFT Discovery Statement
EFT Basic Recipe and a variety of shortcuts
The concept and use of "Your Personal Point"
The use of the SUDS Scale and its value
An understanding of Psychological Reversal
The importance of being specific, utilizing patience and persistence
The value and benefit of hydration
Defining "Issues", "Aspects" and their layering
The generalization effect
How to work with excessive intensities
Generating Cognitive shifts
"Borrowing Benefits" concept
Learn specifics such as The Movie technique, EFT for physical issues and cravings
Learn the Probing Questions to ask for enhance outcomes
How to test results and the importance of testing
Mini-sessions in dyads and/or triads
Troubleshooting EFT - when results aren't happening