EFTi Approved
For a transformative experience, begin your personal and/or professional journey with this two (2) day comprehensive live training. Whether you choose to learn these phenomenal techniques purely for self-clearing and personal growth, or you'd like to become an EFT Practitioner, this course will serve you well. You will walk away with a profoundly effective tool that will help you help yourself and those you choose to share it with for a lifetime.
The chance to experience and develop the "Art of Delivery", as you enhance your skills and gain the confidence required to become a competent Practitioner
An understanding and appreciation of non EFT areas and skill to amplify your work EFT
A few specifics we will cover:
Basic safety for self and client
Building your rapport skills
Calibration skills
Trusting and building your Intuition
Additional tapping points and tapping techniques
Introduction to working with trauma
How to Avoid and work with abreactions, recognize and work with dissociative states and more
Finding core issues - questioning techniques
Identifying eliminate limiting beliefs
Reframing concepts and techniques
Additional testing techniques
EFT via the telephone/computer
Delivering EFT to groups and more on borrowing benefits
Practitioner self-care and self-clearing, helping you thrive and avoid burnout
EFT practice issues - Legal implications for EFT practice