It is no surprise these days that most feel stressed to max and perhaps anxious almost constantly these days. And while a certain amount of stress can be beneficial, chances are if you are human, your current or typical level is working against you. The majority of us are dealing with chronic stress that takes a toll on health and wellbeing. It is no laughing matter, since it is easy to have it become the accepted norm or way of being. But seriously, while we may seem impossible to escape the stress overload, please consider taking just a few minutes a day to at least take the edge off? Thank you!
I’m offering a couple of scripts to help you get started. Say the words with emphasis! Don’t be concerned about “getting it right” or tapping on the “right points”. In an effort to inspire you to freestyle it, you won’t see specific points indicated. Go with the flow! And by all means change words to mirror your feelings in the moment. Happy tapping.
May you enjoy each day, knowing you deserve peace and perfect health, and have the ability to create it!
Go ahead! I have confidence in you!
Even though I am so wound up I could scream, I feel it in every cell of my being, I’d like to breathe easy and let this go now.
Even though the chaos that surrounds me has me filled with stress, I choose to take a step back and remain the observer.
Even though my thoughts and fears keep me feeling stressed and tight, I give myself permission to let it go, just for the moment.
I can’t let it go!
My mind is going a mile a minute!
I feel the stress in every fiber of my being.
And how could I feel any other way?
I have every right to feel this way!
I can’t stand the squabbles!
It’s impossible to reason with them!
But maybe I could choose peace.
You must be kidding!
I can’t let this go
Its’ working so well for me!
Or maybe it’s not
All this stress and tension in my body and mind
I can’t imagine being free of it!
It’s with me all the time.
But maybe I could give myself permission
To begin to consider peace
Even though I have every right to feel this way, who wouldn’t feel this way?! I give myself permission to relax and breathe easy.
Even though I am overwhelmed by this stress, I’m loving and accepting myself anyway.
Even though I can’t imagine being free of this stress and tension, I’m loving, forgiving and accepting myself now.
All this tension and stress
These overwhelming feelings
I deserve joy and peace
All the stress and tension
I feel it in every fiber of my being
I can’t imagine what peace would feel like
I can’t imagine being completely relaxed
I’d like to have it feel natural and normal
But I can’t imagine it
Or maybe I can
All this stress and tension
It never seems to leave me
It’s always there
Maybe I’ve adopted it as my way of being
But maybe I could accept peace
To your health, happiness and well-being!
Always here to assist and would love to hear from you.